Evergreen went and completed a treble again this year after defeating Thomastown United 2-1 in the Premier Division play off on Sunday
Evergreen Manager Gary Maher says the older players within the squad need an extended break after another long grueling season.
Speaking to KCLR after securing the Premier Division Play-off with victory over Thomastown United, Gary says the length of the season needs to be reviewed.
“We started Pre-Season last year on the 10th of July. We are now only three or four weeks away from that. Ideally, we have a few Senior players that will need a bit longer break than that.
“The season is too long I suppose. 11 months is a massive season, it should have been wrapped up a little bit quicker, a little bit earlier, I think it’s something probably that the League will probably look at over the Summer, but from our point of view, we deserve a break, we look forward to the break, but it won’t be long enough. ” he said.
Full Interview below.
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