James Stephens forward Eoin Larkin says there is very little between all 12 teams in the Senior Championship.
Speaking to KCLR ahead of this weekends opening clash against Mullinavat, Eoin says the County Championship is the most difficult to win.
“There is very little between all 12 teams in the Senior Championship.
“Dicksboro wouldn’t have been on the top of many people’s list last year, but they were the best team overall and deservedly won the County Final at the end.
“It’s one of the hardest to win out of the whole country so you can take nothing for granted in Kilkenny and you just have to go out and work hard every day and see where that takes you, and if you get a win on a particular day take it and move on.
Eoin added that the whole fixtures situation needs to be revisited.
“Look I have spoken to a couple of people on it in passing conversation, but I think really the Inter-County scene now needs to go from January to July and then the club scene from July to December and get everything finished in December.
“I know I would have had a different prospective on it probably a couple of years ago, but the club players now are going to have to play this weekend and then who knows when the next round will be played.
“I think a balance for Inter-County and Club Players is what’s needed and they will have to sit down and revise it,” he said.