Mia Griffin has outlined the issues that Covid-19 entails for athletes, particularly when they are forced to travel for competitions.
Kilkenny native Griffin has been travelling to and from Europe in recent months for training and events, but it has been far from ideal for Mia and her fellow cyclists.
“There’s a lot of stress involved with travelling.
“I’ve got fifteen Covid tests’ in the last three months, so it’s tough, but once you’re over there you’re in your bubble and it’s fine,” said Griffin.
The professional cyclist went into further detail about the repercussions of the coronavirus for athletes, highlighting concerns around fitness and sharpness from her own point of view.
Griffin explained: “It has changed athletes’ preparation because you have to carry a general fitness rather than aim for an event. It’s dangerous if you aim for an event because you might peak too early.”
The National Irish track team member believes that while there is an element of uncertainty for athletes at the moment, patience is required for sportspeople who are involved in a professional capacity.
“As athletes we’re living with the uncertainty of life at the moment, but you just have to get on with it as best as you can.”
Griffin, who was a bronze medalist at the European track individual pursuit last year, lamented the fact that team training has been drastically interrupted as a result of the restrictions enforced in the last ten months.
“The social side to cycling is such a big thing.
“Cycling is an individual sport but when you train with a group the time just flies in comparison to training alone.”
Griffin is a member of the Team Rupelcleaning for the second consecutive. The team were registered as a UCI Continental’s women’s team in 2020.
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