Carlow Senior Football Selector Tommy Wogan says they can look back on their season as a wonderful year.
Speaking to KCLR after losing to Tyrone in Saturday’s All-Ireland Qualifier, Tommy says this Carlow Team have achieved what previous teams weren’t able to do.
“What a season for Carlow Football.
“We treated the League as our Championship and our aim all along was to get out of Division 4 and we achieved that, everything after that was bonus for us and what a bonus we got like.
“To get to a Leinster Semi-Final and get in and play Tyrone in your own backyard like.
“There’s chaps that have played with Carlow over the years, never got the opportunity to play in these sort of high profile games and these boys are very very lucky, and it’s a privilege to be able to play in these games,” he said.
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