The GAA President Aogán Ó Fearghaill is in Kilkenny and Carlow today as the Feile na nGael is launched.
Carlow, Kilkenny and Wexford will host the competition next month.
Primary Schools from both counties will be visited by the president, GAA dignatories and county stars across the day.
The launch takes place in the Dolmen Hotel Carlow tonight.
List of places being visited today….
North Kilkenny
9.30 – Moonenroe Philip Lonergan Principal
10.45 – Lisdowney Mairead Dowling “
12.00 – Clontubrid Pat Robinson “
1.15 – Ballyraggett. Conor Brennan “
Central Kilkenny
9.30 – CBS Kilkenny
10.45 – St. Patricks Boys School
12.00 – Church Hill National School Cuffesgrange
1.15 – Burnchurch.
South Kilkenny
9.30 – Gaelscoil
10.45 – St. Mary’s N.S. Thomastown
12.00 – Newmarket N.S.
1.15 – St. Beacons N.S. Mullinavat.